
Parts of this blog have been fictionalized. 9. As it was created through the halls of the mind in the grasp of psychosis.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Maybe I'm making the one last, fatal mistake: conversing and interacting with the hackers before I leave for D.C. d

I feel like there is nothing to be gained by doing so but more confusion.

Completely isolating myself from all forms of communication is not the answer either, but I have few options. o.

I've made a lot of mistakes during the past eight months, but I charged through anyway. If you have no sense of where you are going or who even your attacker is, you are going to make mistakes. y. 8.

From the beginning, there was very much a battle over my mind. It is more evident now. I have written about this before, [e, n, i, ooooooo] in earlier entries, the psychological terrorism involved, the phone calls, the emails, the IM conversations, etc. People hitting my car while I"m still in it, people swerving near me while I'm driving, etc.

IN a way, I don't understand the psychology. WE give you hugs, but beat you the next turn. It's abusive cycle, but it's all still anonymous. IN the hacker world, I can't figure out if it's coming from the same person, i.e. I send OOOOOOO and then within a few minutes, "YOU DIE" or if it's two or more people, one of which sends "OOOOOOO" and then the other in a fight sends "YOU DIE" who is in a different location completely.

IF it's the same person within the same group, the psychology would simply be, we have to keep you connected to one person in our group, i.e. Morpheus, because he is used to control you later on. It sounds really fucked up because it really happens in real life. I've dealt with it in my own life. YOu have a fight, he screams and yells and calls you a fucking cunt, and then five minutes later, "I love you." d. Wow. d. IN group psychology, I can see this model working.

Everyone knows I don't know shit. d.

The A gives you hugs.

REalLY? Does the A go to the FBI? nO. o

WE're all beyond the FBI now. Forget the FBI. o.

The issue is control, submission, and break down. However long it takes. Whatever it takes. Victim profiling probably said this would be relatively easy. Low income, previous history of mental illness, female, history of mental abuse, etc. Psychopaths don't pick hard people to fuck with. IN that way, they are just as much cowards are everyone else. o.

What are the odds of the girl going through garbage? NOt good.

If you know what you're up against, this is easier to battle than illness like severe, chronic nerve pain. o. Because it is a person or persons who are doing wrong. YOu. CAn be brought to justice. IT is an end. Chronic pain is not an end. It is a forever. That only ends when I end. This has a point in the future that will stop. Judge. Jury. D.C. Something, someone will make it stop. IF I try hard enough. Work hard enough. Make enough noise. NO one has changed the law. NO one can. NO one can ignore it forever. d. nop.

And I am not a threat to National SEcurity. d

I wanted to see the paperwork on that shit. dd That said, "Lacey Simon, we have a warrant to go thorugh your shit. " di

IN those words. d

"I.E. The Fourth Amendment does not apply to you, missy." da

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