
Parts of this blog have been fictionalized. 9. As it was created through the halls of the mind in the grasp of psychosis.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Concern about MS

"Facebook is the devil's playground and Mark Zuckerburg is probably the Anti-christ.  Anyone who wants to control that many people in that many countries has got to be evil.  That is all I have to say on that."


I've been twitching and dropping things from my hands. I went to see my GP, and he said to make an appointment with The Neurologist, which I really don't want to do since I googled "twitching" and nothing life threatening came up. I hate to waste her time.

I made a rule: if I fall from the twitching (or some other form of ataxia), I will make an appointment with The Neurologist then. 

For those of you who have been reading for a while, I've been concerned that I have MS, but I've never been diagnosed. In fact, my last brain MRI was just a few months ago, and it was clear of lesions.


  1. Seeing as I am called Hades, I'm not sure if that means Facebook is my playground. I do all my Facebook snooping under a false identity that's for sure.

  2. Could the twitching be a side effect either from the drugs or from the ECT?

  3. Amara,

    ONe of the options that the GP gave me was that it might be a side effect of a medication. So, maybe. The timing is wrong for it to be a medication though.
