I have to tell a story with no story to tell. All sides are just a little bad, some, I'm sure, are more bad than others, professionally, unprofessionally, intentionally, unintentionally--
When there's no good to identity with, there's no point in distinguishing between the bad guys. They're just daily changing letters and mixing numbers and just faceless hackers. They're not even anons, as in personas, they're just ghosts, a switched capitalization, a misspelling here and there. They're a trashed email. They're not even an insult because they cannot personalize. d.
YOu have to love to be hated. YOu have to care to hurt someone else, which is why most people look at Antisocial theory wrong.
Antisocials are the most pained people on the planet. YOu can't see it though. But it's there. It's just misdirected, and so buried because it has fired again and again into anger.
You cannot face your assailant in hacking. It is cold and ruthless that way. There is a futility in every emotion you feel; after a while, you gather that if they feel anything at all, it is for the reasons above.
I like the job excuse.
It's our job. WE do our job. We like our job because we're good at it. There's a distance in the attack. A distance in the results. WE're not responsible for the consequences because so-n-so is, literally, like war.
There's no story. The hackers chatter because the chatter makes noise, which is confusion, which is emotional terror, which is break down. a.
Even then, I can't imagine making war on a private citizen, hacking maliciously for personal gain (financial). It's illegal, evne if condoned inside. o.l
But I try to weave a warped story out of a mess without much success.
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