BRANDON is not losing his hair.
Morpheus says via telepathy that he cannot call because they have hacked into the phone lines
nO c
This is true, theye have hacked into the lines. Whether or not that is his reason, I don't know. I'm also really on the fence about telepathy. c.
That does not stand for Orange County. NO. YSE 9. y. d.
There is no evidence for telepathy (for myself). YOu have to test it. c. YOu have to test it long enough it wasn't coincidence. Repeated results, in other words. no .
One of the more bizarre phenomenons lately is the daydreams and nightmares recently. no. 9. c. MOstly about Morpheus. c.
I explore these strange ideas because better to kind to them than to harshly reject them from a clinical standpoint. c. AT least in the beginning. c. rEsulting from trauma? Anxiety/ The flashing images?
People in our population believe in telepathy. c.
I just don't. c. w.
However, I work a mild form of telepathy with animals with training. It's not very good, but it's there. YOu realize after a while if you work with the same horse that she/he will think before you do, and get the commands right. HOw does it know? I haven't a clue. People say it's something in your body that sends the signal, but I've never bought that argument. c. With some horses, it's stronger than with others, you know usually right away. c. Sads.n oy.
[Group project. The writing. yyy. ]
With people, I have never experienced this phenomenon, nothing even close. c. WE are too self-centered. Our entire introspective structure is that way. WE do not concern ourselves with other people enough to develop those skill even if evolutionary-wise we had them to start. no. WE spend all of our thought processes on what we are doing, what people think about us, not about what other people think about themselves. Is fred okay? He looks down. Peter? YOu okay? nO. Tammy? She hurt her elbow playing tennis. I can tell. d. She's in pain. Sophie's Mom is a bitch. i. WE don't do that.
HOrses on the other hand are big herd animals. Group. WE. Humans? nO. NOt in the same manner. NOt anymore.
Is it some sad, selective loss? I can't say. would the Hive Concept make a better world if you and I and Tammy and Peter all cried when someone was assaulted five miles away? PRobably.
c f
loves youonoj
THe hives is awake erly the morning
Because of our culture, the vast majority of people would be against telepathy even if it was as readily available as buying an X-Box. OR let's put it this way, if they tried it for a few days. no. They would not want to lose their individualism. NO. Y. We have a disagreement among the hackers, but I have a feeling that i"m right with the majority vote. YOu don't like the government snooping into your mail? YOur home? What about your head/ Don't buy the fucxking X-Box okay?? Okay. i. dd. Even if it gave you the power back to do the same. This is part of the reason why telepathy is not an acceptable believe in our society, despite whatever fact or fiction there may be.
What if you could never give it back once bought? And no one told you that beforehand? d
YOu're fucking stuck with that shit. .o.
The neighbor's brain is really not that interesting, and you're going insane. i.
WE pride ourselves too much on what we can do by ourselves. Despite when we cry for help. It is in the very beginning of who we are as a country. i.
Pick me up. Okay, go away now. i
Highly empathetic individuals know the burden of people in pain who refuse to do anything about it. Learned helplessness. And what it is like unable to help people. Imagine hearing that while trying to get work done at your job. a.o.
Some of us know the failures of not doing enough to help, and the failures of the system and the failures of what just life does to people, through no fault of anyone--but someone has to be a witness. o. Disasters. a.o.
WE shut off our brains already to the pains of others. Drugs. Alcohol. What are you going to do with artificially enhanced telepathy? c.
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