
Parts of this blog have been fictionalized. 9. As it was created through the halls of the mind in the grasp of psychosis.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The voices are never nice, have you noticed that? a.

It's like, hey, make some chit-chat conversation in there while you're just hanging out, why don't ya? a. d.


The voices say that it's the end of my sanity that is coming up. That I will facing the worst nine months of my life. Threats always. d.

Somewhere inside, you have to believe that you will rise up out of it. d. YOu, the person you are, will remain intact, even if parts of you fall into chaos. a.


I'm still waiting for the General to show up and move the cell phone without any hands, and smile at me, and say, "Simple." He taps his temple, and say, "Power of your mind."

That's with the Zyprexa they can give me right now. I still live in that magical world the doctors are trying to rescue me from. NO. d.

The Writing Most Important

"But this is a marathon, not a sprint, and the most important thing is writing."



The Stigma of Prostitution

One of the doctors at STanford wanted to talk to my parents during the family meeting about the fact that I was prostitute even though I've already told my folks. d.

I thought it was highly inappropriate. d. And unnecessary. What did it have to do with my mental illness? None. I wasn't even currently working. d.

People are fascinated by it, and horrified (some, I'm sure, are disgusted). They have mixed feelings.

I told him that they already knew. d.

The stigma is huge.

As far as I know, the subject never actually came up.

The world is not free. You are not free to be whoever you want to be. Artist. Dancer. d. Etc. I am learning that the hard way. d. It has consequences. If you are special or gifted or just flat weird, you will suffer. NO.

Prostitution is illegal.

I chose a different path in life, and suffer some consequences because of it. d.

Secret to Survival. d.s

You survive spots in your history.

You wonder how you do.

YOu just did. dd

What War We Make

I tried to personalize that which was not personal. dd. My first mistake, and plenty followed.

The Bargain, Part II

Just before I left my parent's ranch, I held my hand underneath Hannibal's jaw, and I told him I was going to see him again.

IT was easier to make a promise to a dog than to people.

The voice in my head [d] told me I would never see my parents again, and each of them sat with me, taking turns, in the ER at STanford with the security guard standing right outside of my room.

We were saying our goodbyes, silently, exchanging frightful looks.

Then, I believed I would never come out of the building alive.


THe voices told me I was going to die in the hospital. a. Over and over again.

The shower room at Stanford. a. 3.

Just right outside of my doorway. d.

I was going to die in it, somehow, someway.

There's no Daniel. There's no one to translate the scribbles on the wall in this house of madness.

No Thrive

I don't want to just sit here on survive mode; I want to thrive.

I was cheating, until caught. Sleeping in my car, a. Drinking excessively, then not sleeping hardly at all. No. 3.

Until I landed myself here. One year later. No. 39.

On Morpheus Again

This was my escape, my "never-to-go-back." How did I do?

NOt very well. Honestly. x.


While I was in hospital, I kept hearing Velvet Revolver's cover of "Patience" over and over again in my brain. x.

Pounding On

I was going to go out for "drinks" (because I wasn't going to drink any alcohol) last night with someone, but I heard voices again pounding around inside my brain in the afternoon, and I had to cancel last minute.

I couldn't risk dealing with it, distracting me while I'm trying to have a conversation with someone in a crowded bar. d.

Is this my life? For now on? Is it? I ask myself.

Hell WAiting

Struggling through all of this has taught me humility about myself, about what I think I know about my brain, about my personality, about what I am capable of, good and bad. No. 3. I fear the "white shining light" of broken consciousness, not even of death so much. Death is final. I fear hell. And there is a hell.

We all love our lives, even the crappy ones, but there is a worse place. I felt I was dancing around on the edge of it. Taunting it myself, foolishly. No. 3. x. I fear that it will come again for me. No. And you can never prepare. No. i.

We love our memories, and our family and our friends and our existence. AT least, I learned that, all over again. I don't want to die, I want to live.

but this earth has some wicked traps set in place.

In here, the brain, there is a hell waiting. xxx.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Bargain

we are all cowards in the face of death, we all bargain, no matter how small we are, no matter how small the bargain, we bargain with God if we must, we bargain.
You fell, but farther you fall.

Is it fear you feel or energized by the fight?
Fighting for your life, dragging up every loathsome thing inside of your soul, that are the voices, clawing away at your brain matter, theirs, not yours, sanity, they own you. i. tonight, next night, this morning, next morning, all mornings, forever, and ever.

That Right Thing

I never did the right thing in this situation, and now, I'm still stuck in it. x. That is not a statement of forward guilt, but proclamation. I did this, acting out of those motives, seeing what I saw at that droplet of time, and now, we have this. What I did and do not know. x. Acting in a play with no lines, no director who I can hear nor visualize.

That right thing, what is it? w.
YOur brain. You always come back. You come back.

this you tell yourself. iooooooo. while you are on your bed in the hospital.
The truth becomes smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller.

Soon, the only thing you know is your own name.

You wake up in the hospital, you can't remember if you ate or drank or what day it is or why you are there. You are living in a human cage--yourself.

You are wiped out.
One issue that has come up is the price we pay to protect other's privacy while writing our own truth. Did we do our duty and did we do well? x. x.

In writing, I have failed at this too much, too often. I have been found.

REview of the Switchboard Concept

I would say the Switchboard Concept was never true except for the phone call to one of my ex-boyriends, Lucky. While I was talking to him, his voice warped over the phone, "What are you waiting for?"

Are people just people through the phone lines? Themselves and no one else?

To this day, and now, I don't know. I have no answers. No. i.oooo.
There will come a day when I will get through this, and then I will forget to be grateful, and then I will re-learn some lesson again, and again and again. Adversity teaches us to be fearful of forces greater than us, and teaches us that no one is brave except the lunatics. e. YOu can be one or not. YOu don't choose either. God does. He handles the price, the transaction. YOu take the ride.
How do we face adversity and struggles? Do we lay down or do we fight? Do we sense hopeless and cower? oo Are we so afraid of the word "coward" that we are useless to even ourselves in a battle? o

It is in our mind.
What is real and what is not real? A vital question I still cannot fully answer today, right now. ooo.

Like Bombs Dropping

If you would ever badger yourself in your lifetime, those are the "voices." 3x. If you have a weakness, it is found. x. x. I know mine, and still fall to aprey. I can be paralyzed by them, forget what day it is, what time of day, if I have ate or drank, basics of life all drift, everything is just the noise inside my head, booming like bombs dropping, war, war, war. o. Down.
To love is to be free.c.
All of these dots, and no connections, no matter how hard I try, losing more and more fractions of my brain as I go along, voices firing off as I toil.
All of the voices hate my writing. e. And I don't understand why. x. But I keep writing anyway. "Much to my own demise." x.
Do I dare on with the truth--properly? Did I do my lot in life? Or did I fail? Can I forgive myself and others? Can they forgive me? CAn we find the truth after? And the truth is always changing, and I with it. And we fight against the truth. Because we cannot accept inadequacies inside ourselves most of all. We develop a whole scheme to protect a few self-lies or a few self-doubts, a lie on top of a lie to hide a truth: none of us is perfect. All of us can get lost. I hate the me who points out the faults in others for this very reason. The war is not hacking, but the war is with oneself. YOu win that war, you have achieved something I have not.
I am only lost in it all, the feelings, so much that I cannot sense any single emotion, and so they assume I can't feel anything now. I feel so much that I block it off, out, away, danger, all of the emotions are danger to me. They are there, more threatening than any foe. I could be buried, I could be suffocated by them. I could drown. I am hiding, I am a coward to them.
I lost the trust in myself, and I need that to write.

Advocates Battle Stigma of Epilepsy

And ultimately, all efforts come back to dispelling the stigma that still clings to epilepsy here.

“Epilepsy is just a sickness,” said Mrs. Kabba, the vocational tutor. “If your child got a sickness, you wouldn’t just let them down. Look after them. Take great care of them.”

--The New York Times, "Advocates Battle Stigma of Epilepsy in Sierra Leone"

Monday, August 29, 2011

Talk Back

That guy--putting me down--I am that guy--that genius guy--I created that guy inside my brain. It's gross that I created him because I'm afraid to be him. I'm the you behind the you, tearing down the other you because I couldn't be that you. So, I made you. Get it? Got it. Go be you.

There's a story inside the story, battling it out inside of my skull. ONe piece after the other, trying to kill off this part, this "you" no good, this "you" the boss, in control. To me, it's all a frontier, exciting, dangerous, wondrous. Nothing is for sure until you are headed to the shower room with towels not for drying, but for hanging. Then, games end, and it's for real.
I started hearing voices August 10, 2011. I refer to them in entries as "brain hackers." This blog is fictionalized.
We put limits on ourselves, every day, and then we hold ourselves down until one day we die, and we don't know when that day comes. No one gives us notice. No one knocks on our doors. No one tells us ahead of time. Few of us meet death with brag, "I did this and this, and I am satisfied."
I was braver than this once, I was almost fully fearless. Now, I'm afraid of the outside world. Now, I'm afraid of sitting here at the computer, now I'm afraid of being alive, now I'm afraid of people, now I'm afraid of myself most of all. What I could be if I only try, what my brain holds for me if I put in the effort.
STanding up on your hilltop, and shouting down.

NO one likes it.
And no one is going to like you much for it. Questioning all the questions. I promise you.
You have to come back, you have to question the questions, you can't stay there. you can't stay--you can't. The brain isn't meant for it.

Do we all need a break from reality? Is that psychosis? At what cost? Our relationships? Our job? Possibly our life in the end ? Is it terror? Is it delight? Is it only confusion? Is there a grand world out there to experience that we can only when we are at the brink of madness?
It's like waking up from a world where everything is magically interconnected to a world where I'm alone, and life is stale. THat's the cure.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I went mad looking for answers that I never found. That is my illness.
"i've been talking in my sleep...pretty soon they'll come to get me..."

--Matchbox Twenty, "Unwell"
Despite the psychotic symptoms, the hacking, I refused to stop writing. This is the part where I sigh.
I have gone through the worst of my mental illness the past few weeks, and I knew there was a light at the end. Always. I wanted to live.

May it stay that way.

Virginia Woolf Suicide NOte

I feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier 'til this terrible disease came. I can't fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that — everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer. I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been. V.



Saturday, August 27, 2011

This blog is a picture of mental illness with hacking. Fiction with some fact. Creativity with delusion. Life blended with nonsense. Me just before darkness hits.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

"He will never speak to you again, Lacey."

--about MOrpheus from [myself].

Friday, August 12, 2011

mOrpheus is gone, and he's not coming back.

the hackers hack away at my brain. e. e.

i lost 20 points today
in the stock market. x.

[no one is the one]
WE are only working on 50% brain power around here.


IF you were a writer, would you stop writing if your life was threatened simply because you were writing? Directly related to your writing? Would you stop?


opther people have to fight for the rights you don't even believe in

She wants to die because she has no quality of life. no

The Costco trip did not go well.

It is impossible to write. My words are not my own anymore (has to do with putting down internal dialogue).

IN an aisle at the store, I yelled at the brain hackers. x. And jerked around the basket.

I looked like a fucking schizophrenic.

The "hackers" told me that my grandmother saw me lose my temper, although I'm on the fence whether I believe them.

they say I have only about a week to live.

I spend my time doing this. writing. listening to music. what else is there? 0.

"Something will happen, I can feel it."

This is true. I was looking at two possible scenarios:

DEATH or ending up on the street with headphones listening to music and talking to myself and/or the voices preaching from the Bibles and/or ranting about the Fourth Amendment, having excluded myself from the rest of "normal" society. Because I had been trashed psychologically and socially by the US government for whatever reason that I don't even understand.

Who wants to live like that? No one. no.o.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

They pushed her out of a plane.

--Good Shepard (2006)
Everything that they will tell you is a lie, you just have to promise me you will stay alive.

--one of the new introspective voices in my head
HOward is smiling.
no 00000000
WE are all for mind liberation around here.


I'm waiting for the morning when I wake up. And I just need the one hand to type.

He just takes over the whole board.

He 's like we don't need the other fucking hand. baby. loves you yyyyyy

Lovre Bites

The threat of death is greater than the death itself.

'yeah because then you're dead' came a reply.

no .

The point being that the anxiety over the supposed immediate death ruins the quality of life while waiting to die, which is unavoidable. People keep reminding me I'm going to die. I go to the authorities, who cannot or will not help me. Nothing can be done. Yet, the threat is still there. Daily. YOu will die, from those who wish me harm and those who do not.

c. i.o.o.

The reminder "you are going to die" feeds into the overall sadism no matter who it is coming from. YOu have to back it up by action. YOu are going to die, I am here to help you . WE do this. I have a plan. WE are in action, taking steps.


Evolutionary-wise, we are blind to our own deaths. I spent a few months, running around to exhaustion over the likelihood of mine ending. no. NOw? It's supposed to be suicide. no. o. 4. NO one is going to die. d. x. AT times, I want to die. But I want to catch criminals more. That's the whole truth. I pushed my friends away, x, and certain family members away at expense, and I want to accomplish this goal.

Even doing that, even starting a criminal investigation, will never give me back the things, the people and the relationships I've lost. i. It doesn't for anyone. It won't fix the shitty life I had before this mess started. d.

This one is going to be quick.

This one is going to be easy.

Two months maybe. THey brag. 3.

This is not game, Lacey. This is serious now, he says.

You go down. c. c. e.
The story is something like this:

There's someone out there to get me, who wants to do serious harm, and drive me to suicide. d. Who won't stop until I get a criminal investigation started. o. x. w. c.

They all mock my civil rights rants. All of them. The bad ones, the good-bad ones, the bad-bad ones, and even just the lazy ones. That would be my word for the apathetic ones.

They say, it's not about civil rights, it's about attempted murder or potential murder. c.

Never would have gotten to point C without waltzing through point B. How did all of this mess get started?

Violation of the Fourth Amendment.

Abuses in and throughout the government, of their power.

But they are so numb to it, they don't even get it. z.

Once they've raped your house, they rape the First. Because what's one? Why not another?

"WE already lost her, doc," he says standing next to the body on the operating table. o.

The General and I are standing there, no one sees us. WE are the ghosts. d. The hacker war lost another victim. IN exchange for any power, we are never apart of the real world. He sent her her last email, her last TXT-message, and she talked to him during her last phone call. d.

WE see everything, control nothing in the garbage of the wasteland of what is now the internet. o.c.

Jack says, "She gets off on it."


ONe of the other ones, screams, 'THAT BITCH FUCKING WANTS TO DIE. "

The General just sighs. no.ddd

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tomorrow I see Dead People

Tomorrow when I wake up, I will walk in to a dark living room, and sit down with five dead people hanging out on couch and the extra TV chair.

One of them will smoking a cigar that has no smoke, and he will talk to me. He will say nothing in particular. "Today is your lucky day. Today is the first day of insanity." I knew your grandfather he says silently sitting there. WE all hang out while everyone else moves around us.

"The government hacked me too," one of the other ones says as he looks out the window of my bedroom. "NOw I'm in fucking hell here with you." d. WE never leave the room for eternity. OUtside is our paradise never reached. That was punishment enough. no.

It's like a bad migraine with words. o.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Everyday in the Hacker Warzone o

You brought this war upon yourself Lacey


That’s not true

NO YSE all

I’m too weak to fight this stupid bullshit off anymore

nO 9

Which is why I let you say whatever you want


Some People Believe in TElepathy

BRANDON is not losing his hair.

Morpheus says via telepathy that he cannot call because they have hacked into the phone lines

nO c

This is true, theye have hacked into the lines. Whether or not that is his reason, I don't know. I'm also really on the fence about telepathy. c.


That does not stand for Orange County. NO. YSE 9. y. d.

There is no evidence for telepathy (for myself). YOu have to test it. c. YOu have to test it long enough it wasn't coincidence. Repeated results, in other words. no .

One of the more bizarre phenomenons lately is the daydreams and nightmares recently. no. 9. c. MOstly about Morpheus. c.

I explore these strange ideas because better to kind to them than to harshly reject them from a clinical standpoint. c. AT least in the beginning. c. rEsulting from trauma? Anxiety/ The flashing images?

People in our population believe in telepathy. c.

I just don't. c. w.

However, I work a mild form of telepathy with animals with training. It's not very good, but it's there. YOu realize after a while if you work with the same horse that she/he will think before you do, and get the commands right. HOw does it know? I haven't a clue. People say it's something in your body that sends the signal, but I've never bought that argument. c. With some horses, it's stronger than with others, you know usually right away. c. Sads.n oy.

[Group project. The writing. yyy. ]

With people, I have never experienced this phenomenon, nothing even close. c. WE are too self-centered. Our entire introspective structure is that way. WE do not concern ourselves with other people enough to develop those skill even if evolutionary-wise we had them to start. no. WE spend all of our thought processes on what we are doing, what people think about us, not about what other people think about themselves. Is fred okay? He looks down. Peter? YOu okay? nO. Tammy? She hurt her elbow playing tennis. I can tell. d. She's in pain. Sophie's Mom is a bitch. i. WE don't do that.

HOrses on the other hand are big herd animals. Group. WE. Humans? nO. NOt in the same manner. NOt anymore.

Is it some sad, selective loss? I can't say. would the Hive Concept make a better world if you and I and Tammy and Peter all cried when someone was assaulted five miles away? PRobably.

c f

loves youonoj

THe hives is awake erly the morning






Because of our culture, the vast majority of people would be against telepathy even if it was as readily available as buying an X-Box. OR let's put it this way, if they tried it for a few days. no. They would not want to lose their individualism. NO. Y. We have a disagreement among the hackers, but I have a feeling that i"m right with the majority vote. YOu don't like the government snooping into your mail? YOur home? What about your head/ Don't buy the fucxking X-Box okay?? Okay. i. dd. Even if it gave you the power back to do the same. This is part of the reason why telepathy is not an acceptable believe in our society, despite whatever fact or fiction there may be.

What if you could never give it back once bought? And no one told you that beforehand? d

YOu're fucking stuck with that shit. .o.

The neighbor's brain is really not that interesting, and you're going insane. i.

WE pride ourselves too much on what we can do by ourselves. Despite when we cry for help. It is in the very beginning of who we are as a country. i.

Pick me up. Okay, go away now. i

Highly empathetic individuals know the burden of people in pain who refuse to do anything about it. Learned helplessness. And what it is like unable to help people. Imagine hearing that while trying to get work done at your job. a.o.

Some of us know the failures of not doing enough to help, and the failures of the system and the failures of what just life does to people, through no fault of anyone--but someone has to be a witness. o. Disasters. a.o.


WE shut off our brains already to the pains of others. Drugs. Alcohol. What are you going to do with artificially enhanced telepathy? c.

Monday, August 8, 2011

JUstin Gets a LIke

The one that catches my eye the most is this one: ”I love Jesus, and the cross and if you dont, I hope someone rapes you!” by Sindy...

Doesn’t Sindy realize that we are going to laugh at her for an entirely different reason? Her comment goes right into the “How Christian of you” flavor of Hate Mail infamy. The kind that Richard Dawkins reads to a room of wide-eyed atheists who can’t help but laugh uncontrollably at the bizarre statements.

--Threats to Rape and Kill Atheists -- STay Classy

I have experienced this myself. d.


Hugs. ads

I don't know d if I can go to d the E camp with "I"m here to rape and kill you with kindness."


Trauma-Induced Psychiatric Symptoms

Most of the time, I am doing better than I was with the effects of the trauma. I don't yell at anyone over the phone, and I don't have flashes of anger during the day, and there are no anxiety attacks.

The visible signs of wear can be seen if you bother to look.

I never leave the house unless I have a very specific reason for doing so. I still contemplate suicide. I lost almost all of my social contacts. I only dress a few days out of the week; usually, I'm in my pj's.

I analyze my own thoughts to death looking for signs of progressive mental illness. d. The last thing I want is psychotic symptoms disrupting my own case. d. Is that normal? NO. Y/ES? It is. But the hackers want me to go down. Sooner rather than later. I search for a low stress environment which means I hide. NO one supports me, so I hide further inside. I'm the Army of ONe.

I think of all the people who look for help from law enforcement, and they never get that help. I think of all the people who want help from the courts, and they are frustrated by the system. d. I think of what will happen to me if I never get anything going. I will die here in this room. I refuse to live in it. d.

That is the point that no one understands. IT is the point that I tried to express to people before August 20, 2008, and no one understood. IT is a point that you cannot ever get across.

What bothers me about this is the ADA that comes up from behind. "NO real crime occurred. This is your mental illness." d. YOU are delusional.

And how stress-related symptoms can make you really ill. d. But are wholly separate from the crimes being committed. And should be treated separate. YOu treat the patient. YOu fight the crime. d.

I'm mentally ill. I never leave my house. That's not normal.

That does not me I"m psychotic. And even if I was psychotic--let's pretend for a second I am--

Someone could still be hacking my computer. d.

Sometimes I manage it too well. IF I threw a bigger, more melodramatic fight, maybe others would see the internal damage of the crime display externally.

IN some kind of caring world, that would happen. But here in this world, that is not true.e d

I try to keep the fit-throwing to a minimum.
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

--Patrick Henry

"Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it."

--Patrick Henry

Fort Bragg has reached a truce of sorts with a group of Army atheists that opens the door for an event called Rock Beyond Belief on post next spring featuring music and speeches by noted secular humanists, including the writer Richard Dawkins .

--Atheist EVent to be Held at Fort Bragg

Yes. d.

No one believes in me, much less in what I tell them.

I have to go out, and find people to help me.

This isn't about today or tomorrow, but I fear this is one lifelong battle that I'm never going to win. d.

Moments of [hoe]

LOL> d

Moments of hopelessness catch you in the [threat]

WE didn't write that! d

Moments of hopelessness catch you in the throat, and burn.

This will not end.

Pain no one sees.

BAD. d

"In his suit, Doe claims that he was abducted by the American military in November 2005, as he was preparing to come home for annual leave. He was handcuffed, blindfolded and held in solitary confinement for 72 hours before being shuttled to Camp Cropper where, according to Doe, he was held in a military jail and subjected to routine abuse."

--Judge Allows Torture Suit AGainst Rumsfeld to Go Forward

John Doe was an Army veteran.



That is bad. d REALLY BAD. d
nO oooooooooooooooooooo

Don't Break UP with Me on FAcebook.

“So, you’re telling me that you’re crying at night, you’re not sleeping, you’re eating all this food to make you feel better, and you’re supposed to just come to an agreement?”

--TEaching Kids How to Break UP

Dating and the social media. d

There should be lawyers who just specialize in this. o.
nO d

Return a car. REturn a guy.

Cooling off period. NO FAcebook. d. NO blog. d. 30 days.

Mind's Taunting Voices

“She says, ‘Joe, I know you feel like quitting, but what if tomorrow is the day you get what you want?’ And walks out. I sat there staring at that gun for an hour at least, and finally decided — never again. It can never be an option. Patsy deserves for me to be trying.”

--Learning to Cope with Mind's Taunting Voices

I read this, and it was scary to me.
NO d,,,,,,

I've never been that ill. EVer. What is happening is really happening. I've never heard voices, I've never had a full visual hallucination. I've had some vertigo, etc. But nothing this bad. oooooo. I've had different problems, sure. But nothing like The Quiet Room.

WAtching the EX

"Eventually, it occurred to me that I could create an online persona who could contact him — another teacher who wanted to comment on his work problems, perhaps. There was a long-lost love referenced in the postings — not me, but maybe I could re-enter his world cyberdressed as her."

--MOdern Love -- When an Ex Blogs, Okay to WAtch? a

Do not ever do this. EVer. For any reason. d.

YOu are never anon. YOu have something to say. SAy it. d.

In general, I suggest not reading ex-boyfriend's or ex-girlfriend's blogs, but we all do it. d.

AS a writer, your words will haunt you and come back to affect your life in real ways, sometimes with disastrous results. We have to write anyway.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

THey CAn't Hack a ZERo. d

I need a miracle of God. d.

An Act of God.

Because no one around me believes in getting the systems attention even though it will ruin the rest of my quality of life.

It is the arrogance in the presumption that if you are small and meek that you will not stand up for what is yours--that is your rights--when someone who is larger knocks you down. It is that--which really--

Fucking pisses me off.

Big people inside are small outside. OU don't get upset when someone cuts you off in line at the grocery store--although sadly this rule does not apply on the highway. nO .d. YOu allow yourself to be pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed until--

A certain point.

And the little people out there mistake that for cowardice.

That being said,

I need a Harvard law education and money. I was ill-equipped for this battle. NO foreshadowing in this novel to prepare me for what I face today. I took one business law class.

I need a miracle from God.9.

ZERO needs help.

YOu. ARE. Special. But Still. Under. The. Law.

I'm waiting for the day when I toss a cell phone without touching it.

OR worse. Because things like that are always in anger. yOu're bound to hit someone with it.

Sorry, STeve. d


This would be a cool story if I started the wrong car (hands free), and it drove itself until it hit another car in a parking lot. LUckily no one was hurt. And then the government was circling me like sharks because they realized I was "special" and different and unlike the others.

This is not that story.

IF I could hack a microwave in SLO, CA in the kitchen while being El Paso, TX. d

Because I wanted to distract GRandma and get her off of the phone. d

"Why did the microwave turn on?"

I don't know, Grandma. d Weirdest thing. YOu're angry about being special and having to keep it a secret and having no one know and having no one care because they don't know and it pisses you off, so you do dumb stuff to get their attention. LIke hack microwaves. d

For the record, I can't hack a microwave. IF it breaks for the usual reason, wear and tear, I have no idea what to do with it. Hmmmm....broke. d

The special people want to be noticed for being special (sad, really) while the ordinary people want to be special, and then when the special people try to ruin the ordinary people's lives, we the ordinary people are so grateful for being fucking ordinary, but we are ignored all the more.

It's tragic. The story.
IF you read, which you did but then you ignored it, you did you ignored all of it, the Constitution says that there is no distinction between special and the ordinary.

What's the worse part, the special people think that they're special (true) but they are so corrupted either by a childhood (abusive, let's not dive too deep into it, they'd be insulted) or by the system (remember that? WE never talk about it) that they don't feeeeeeel like they get what they deserve in life.e

YOu cannot justify their behavior to yourself, to them, and you cannot feed them fast enough, you cannot pacify them. YOu cannot tame a beast who has that kind of hunger for power.

That's Antisocial Personality Disorder.

I am. Above and beyond. I will lie and manipulate and do much worse to get what I want. That is singular. AS in only me. a. Because why? I am special.

If you combine an Antisocial with technical skills, hacking, you have a scary prospect for both private citizens and shortly, the US Government. d. What? YOu think you can stop him or her? d. Don't do that. d. Bad. YOu can only steal from other people, but not us. d. Who cares about the Fourth Amendment as long as you only do bad overh there. d. Don't make too big of a mess, guys. WE're watching. ARE you ready for golf? I"m readying for some golf. d

Where's the 2 million? d.

It waas right here. NO .I put it over there, and then--

There is no evidence I've found of 2 million missing. For the record again. YES. d. Lord knows, no one around here likes to make shit up.
NO. LOL> d


My point remains the sam.e .

The government is lying. YES. The government is allowing crime to continue. NO .YOU lie. YES. They are. They are hidingg a criminal. YES. 9i.
Psst. Lcey. YOu didn't try using your computer in a fucking phone booth.

Fuck. d That was it. do

IN there, at least, I am reasonably protected. daoooo


Kryptonite. a
According to the Supreme Court, the Fourth Amendment regulates government conduct that violates an individual’s reasonable expectation of privacy.1 But no one seems to know what makes an expectation of privacy constitutionally “reasonable.”

--Orin S. Kerr, "Four Models of Fourth Amendment Protection"

NO one knows what the fuck that is, in other words. ad

But we're pretty sure that "reasonable" protects you from the invasion of the frog legs. a

And the wink. da

YOu should go your whole life, and the only frog legs you should deal with are the ones in 9th grade science class, and the ones you eat. d

That's your fucking Fourth Amendment f working for you! o


Maybe I'm making the one last, fatal mistake: conversing and interacting with the hackers before I leave for D.C. d

I feel like there is nothing to be gained by doing so but more confusion.

Completely isolating myself from all forms of communication is not the answer either, but I have few options. o.

I've made a lot of mistakes during the past eight months, but I charged through anyway. If you have no sense of where you are going or who even your attacker is, you are going to make mistakes. y. 8.

From the beginning, there was very much a battle over my mind. It is more evident now. I have written about this before, [e, n, i, ooooooo] in earlier entries, the psychological terrorism involved, the phone calls, the emails, the IM conversations, etc. People hitting my car while I"m still in it, people swerving near me while I'm driving, etc.

IN a way, I don't understand the psychology. WE give you hugs, but beat you the next turn. It's abusive cycle, but it's all still anonymous. IN the hacker world, I can't figure out if it's coming from the same person, i.e. I send OOOOOOO and then within a few minutes, "YOU DIE" or if it's two or more people, one of which sends "OOOOOOO" and then the other in a fight sends "YOU DIE" who is in a different location completely.

IF it's the same person within the same group, the psychology would simply be, we have to keep you connected to one person in our group, i.e. Morpheus, because he is used to control you later on. It sounds really fucked up because it really happens in real life. I've dealt with it in my own life. YOu have a fight, he screams and yells and calls you a fucking cunt, and then five minutes later, "I love you." d. Wow. d. IN group psychology, I can see this model working.

Everyone knows I don't know shit. d.

The A gives you hugs.

REalLY? Does the A go to the FBI? nO. o

WE're all beyond the FBI now. Forget the FBI. o.

The issue is control, submission, and break down. However long it takes. Whatever it takes. Victim profiling probably said this would be relatively easy. Low income, previous history of mental illness, female, history of mental abuse, etc. Psychopaths don't pick hard people to fuck with. IN that way, they are just as much cowards are everyone else. o.

What are the odds of the girl going through garbage? NOt good.

If you know what you're up against, this is easier to battle than illness like severe, chronic nerve pain. o. Because it is a person or persons who are doing wrong. YOu. CAn be brought to justice. IT is an end. Chronic pain is not an end. It is a forever. That only ends when I end. This has a point in the future that will stop. Judge. Jury. D.C. Something, someone will make it stop. IF I try hard enough. Work hard enough. Make enough noise. NO one has changed the law. NO one can. NO one can ignore it forever. d. nop.

And I am not a threat to National SEcurity. d

I wanted to see the paperwork on that shit. dd That said, "Lacey Simon, we have a warrant to go thorugh your shit. " di

IN those words. d

"I.E. The Fourth Amendment does not apply to you, missy." da

Saturday, August 6, 2011

FAcebook Posting Never Made

When Lacey's EX calls, he will sound like a tape recording because it's not really him. It's a guy pretending to be him, pretending to be a guy, who is only a guy for Lacey. d. Which is a lot of work considering it's a guy who is pretending to be a guy only for a few days out of the year like a guy pretending to be a guy for vacations. d. d. ONly he's paid, which if you think about that, it's illegal. d. d But I'm sure the government has justified it somehow. dl Don't worry about your tax money . WEll fucking spent. d lOL!!!! d NO .d don't past that. PleSE!!! adI want to though . dlll

The Big Hack Down

ONe of the aliens is trying to figure out how to hack down YouTube.

Lacey only listens to four songs oer and over again. d

Really loud. d

She can't stand it. d

The Black Ehyed Pease and fucking Britney. d

The STory without a STory

I have to tell a story with no story to tell. All sides are just a little bad, some, I'm sure, are more bad than others, professionally, unprofessionally, intentionally, unintentionally--

When there's no good to identity with, there's no point in distinguishing between the bad guys. They're just daily changing letters and mixing numbers and just faceless hackers. They're not even anons, as in personas, they're just ghosts, a switched capitalization, a misspelling here and there. They're a trashed email. They're not even an insult because they cannot personalize. d.

YOu have to love to be hated. YOu have to care to hurt someone else, which is why most people look at Antisocial theory wrong.

Antisocials are the most pained people on the planet. YOu can't see it though. But it's there. It's just misdirected, and so buried because it has fired again and again into anger.

You cannot face your assailant in hacking. It is cold and ruthless that way. There is a futility in every emotion you feel; after a while, you gather that if they feel anything at all, it is for the reasons above.

I like the job excuse.

It's our job. WE do our job. We like our job because we're good at it. There's a distance in the attack. A distance in the results. WE're not responsible for the consequences because so-n-so is, literally, like war.

There's no story. The hackers chatter because the chatter makes noise, which is confusion, which is emotional terror, which is break down. a.

Even then, I can't imagine making war on a private citizen, hacking maliciously for personal gain (financial). It's illegal, evne if condoned inside. o.l



But I try to weave a warped story out of a mess without much success.

Red Coats

If you want to torture someone, have everyone deny his/her version of reality.

The hackers are experts at this because they have managed to invade, capture and manipulate people in my personal life, affecting almost everyone.

I have received comments ranging from, "It's not real" to "you're delusional."

One of the worst came from one of my oldest friends, Amara, and it was "YOu thought it was real."

It reminds me of an email from Jack, more language from an anon Ant, "I wish you were real."

You hear it over and over again in conversations through the phone--like systematically trying to wipe out a person's ability to determine reality. To crush a psyche and spawn psychosis.

I wonder if people were bribed, those who did it in person, knowing that others were probably just hacked into through FAcebook IM, etc.

One person who calls you delusional, you brush it off, although it hurts.

A few friends do it, even those who don't know each other, it starts to look like what?

A conspiracy.

Goddamn. 8.

Fourth Amendment and Cybercrimes

"A search of data stored on a hard drive should be held to occur whenever that data or
information about that data is exposed to human observation. Any retrieval
of information stored on a computer hard drive, no matter how minor,
should be considered a distinct Fourth Amendment search."

--Dr. Kerr

[emphasis is not the author's]
"Over two hundred years after the Fourth Amendment was enacted, the
search of a home remains the canonical fact pattern of a Fourth
Amendment search and seizure case."

--Dr. Kerr

Friday, August 5, 2011

I wish I could write enough, enough to be free. 4.

But I'm still trapped here in hacker hell. 0

AS Zero. d
STeve, I love you. d

"First, hackers are not criminals. I mean, technically, if you’re into a strict reading of the penal code, some of us are."

--Dude! I Hacked the Op-Ed Page! d

I gotta get a cool nickname. Right now, they call me ZEro. d

I think they mock me, but Icna't tell. ddd

"This summer, Facebook hired 21-year-old George Hotz, a k a Geohot, famed for hacking into Sony’s 'unbreakable' PlayStation 3 system."


It's still better than Zero.

Geohot comes by, he says, "Oh fuck. The d..." Runs. d

YOU don't need the D to work Sony.

"For better or worse, said Jonathan L. Zittrain, a Harvard Law School professor, securing the Internet has been largely left to private players — and even government information is increasingly guarded by private companies, whose actions can be difficult to monitor and hold accountable."

--Flaws Exposed, Security Could...
There was a terrible mistake made somewhere.

I don't know where.

And in it, I ended up here.
I can see how it's impossible, if the hacking doesn't clear up, to have and maintain relationships.

Someone is always someone else.

YOu can't start a relationship, keeping those up you have is difficult enough.

What's worse: I don't see the point in having them anymore. IN any form, romantic, friendship, etc. Why/

NO one understands my suspicious nature or what I've recently gone through, much less what I've been through with my dancing and escorting and chronic pain and morphine dependence.

First Amendment and NO ONe Marching

I'm considering letting them get away with it, the cybercrimes, the breaking and entering, the tampering with the car, all of it, and moving to a different state or even a different country mostly because I'm counting on the large possibility I will not afford my own venture, building my own case against them. By myself, I am lost anyway, and I don't even know where to start finding help.

IN probably 99.9% of all cases, this is exactly what happens. People, low income, just deal with this, and either move or somehow adjust to the interference of the hacking.

ON the other hand, I can't imagine "dealing" with it because it so strongly affects my writing. I care not about my bank account or my car or even of the coming and goings out of the house. All of that seems almost bearable if you like living in the Third Reich. I could stretch my soul and mind to grow accustomed to it, but the writing has to be unfettered.

I cannot write with DDDDDD in the fucking way. I don't know if there's a fucking Supreme Court case about that, but there should be. IF there is some judge somewhere who has sat on the bench, and he will look down and say, "Hmmm...yeah. DDDDD...affecting First Amendment."

My first instinct is to fight anyone who would dare to put up a DDDDDD to man or woman who wants to write, poorly or well. There's a comment section down there, you can add if you care. Otherwise, leave the writer alone. My second instinct to protect others who may be affected by the DDDDDD. MY third is to of course get the fuck out of here. d.


WRiting is invaluable. IF you knew more of the story, you would probably understand that writing has put me here in the first place, or at lesat partially. d

Being that I am not surrounded by a family of writers nor friends who write, no one shares this cause with me. I don't have a cheering crowd nor anyone who passes me a card of a civil rights lawyer. They do not value what I value. a.

IF you march off to war, it is helpful if you march with someone else. YOu march alone, you look around and wonder more about why you are marching. That is very cliche. YOu like the fucking DDDDDD? I ask.

YOU're not fucking marching. d

I did not put that D there.

Nothing Worth Fighting For

HOwling about the injustices of my situation and in the government have gotten me nowhere, and after pushing away every person in my life and after eight months, I'm ready to give up.

[I need d]

I see nothing worth fighting for.

Take the Fourth Amendment, you can in some instances take the First.

The avalanche of reading I would have to do, what would basically amount to becoming a civil rights lawyer, finding a computer expert, conducting my own criminal investigation--is ridiculous. IF I could do all of that, I would be a member of intelligence myself. All of which would be easier--I know--I hate money--but would be easier if I had cash for traveling and expenses.

Because I see something is wrong that everyone condones by allowing to continue.
IF I ignore it, I condone it, I accept it.

LIfe is a wad of "not fair's." I equate this to white collar gang violence, but it wasn't violent to anythying more than my computer, and a little to my car. The psychological war is real and cruel. People don't see it. They don't like what they can't touch or feel, so they don't notice, don't want to deal with it, don't care.

I am unfortunately a forgiving person, and I am looping around forever justifications for people's inability to empathize in times of war. NOt in Afghanistan, not in Iraq, but domestic. HEre. WE're at war here. IF you can't see that, you are not paying attention.

I'm ready to give up on my own country. All states. The US government that I am fighting for. IN this way, I feel like I"m in the fucking military. d.

Life is a big pile of "fuck you's"--you get them from everywhere. Accident's, intentional's. Some people get more than others. ad.

I only pity those who do not pity others.

That's my fuck you.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm A Liberal And I"m SCared o.c

Today is one of the worst days I've had in, well, a few days. There are a lot of bad days in this mess, and they come and go, and you lose track of the degree of badness. They are meant to be bad. YOu never see it, but now it's clear "people are after" me. "Kill" one of them writes.

I sense even apathy in that. One of them writes it, but doesn't really mean the threat. There's a slow, metallic grind to the machine that is so impersonal, meaningless that you know nothing happens.

The nothingness is the misery due.

For god's sake, at least have hate behind it. NO. They just say to say. Do to do. Because why? Because. One blogger wrote.

If you live, you live. If you die, you die. We all go on, we have our lives.

I sense that I have more control over the situation than I believe.

One of the hackers who I met said, "Welcome to the new world." a

That's because they all made the deal. i didn't. d IN return, I have no money, no job, no car, and nothing of material or financial value. I have no family. a.

Fighting will take years, maybe not even end then. What for? To be alone and buried into a war I ultimately will never win. I will just win battles. Back them off a few paces.

I won't get anywhere at all without real, legal support and insider support, and I have none of that right now. d.n.

I ask myself is it important? One case? Depends. Where it goes. Are we losing our civil rights every day in the fight for National Security? Does the average American think about that? d

Does someone have to remind them? Put it in the news? In the Press? ;

I'm a liberal and I'm scared of my own government. d
"The Fourth Amendment was aimed directly at the abhorred practice of breaking in, ransacking and searching homes and other buildings and seizing people's personal belongings without warrants issued by magistrates. The Amendment deserves, and this Court has given it, a liberal construction in order to protect against warrantless searches of buildings and seizures of tangible personal effects."

--Black, dissenting opinion. Katz v. United States

Framers' perspective.
My words are all in vain and empty.

I sounded like my mother, "YOu should be ashamed of yourself...I don't care your circumstance or your job..."

Will I ever be bigger than words? The words have gotten me into trouble the most.

"Don't buy into emotional terrorism," I said to myself after leaving another message. "You can't make people feel guilty." I say more in my own head. I can't motivate an individual in this manner. If I could, I would have four years ago, or maybe three or maybe two.

I'm on my own. If I want my civil rights back, my freedoms back, I have to do it on my own. If he lost his, and doesn't care about them anymore, he's on his own too.

I woke up one morning trapped in a nightmare. There was a plan for this, but I haven't grasped it yet.

I wish I had a friend who cared about these issues too, but no one feels the way I do. I ccan't write like this. YOu take the Fourth, you take the First.r>r>"Wherever a man may be, he is entitled to know that he will remain free from unreasonable searches and seizures. "

--Stewart, J of Supreme Court, Katz v. United States

"I have never asked you in four years for help. Never. d" I say, starting to cry over the hone. I tried that tactic before. IT didn't work then. I can't help but think a smarter person would have either given up on him, or moved on to D.C. or somewhere else in Maryland. Guilt works on normal individuals; people who loved you and liked you and want to help if only because they feel some sense of duty or remorse for treating you bad in the past. They walk a little ways down the path with you--to make them feel better. This is normal. He's not normal.

I realize this all the more, but do it anyway because I have no one else to do it too. I'm trapped in a bad psychology. "I can save the bad, wounded birdy." Looky. The aliens play this to the hilt and have for four fucking years. MOrpheus is either really good at this or really bad--it's the fact that I can't tell that is the beauty in the whole work. He probably doesn't even know himself half of the time. IF he snapped once and turned mean, I could yell psychopath and get it over with, but he's never done it in person. d.

Feigned guilt and real guilt for the good psychopath are so close. d "Lacey, I was just so ..." Tears or fake ones. d.

Me? I love the man. The aliens all know. i.n. And his buddy. d. IF he goes home to a wife, it has to be a weird situation irregardless of the job. i.

I told him I hoped he loved someone. Maybe he treated her better. Maybe his time and energy went into her. And it would make his failings and inaction and inadequacies with me less despicable.

[My writing is a "group project"]

"That we cannot do."


Katz v. United States

Katz v. United STates

"The Government's activities in electronically listening to and recording the petitioner's words violated the privacy upon which he justifiably relied while using the telephone booth, and thus constituted a 'search and seizure' within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment."

--Katz v. United STates; Stewart, J. OPinion of the Court
I'm seriously considering going to D.C. to live temporarily in order to get help for my wiretapping case. d

Life here is so miserable there's no one to tell.

There's nothing to leave behind anymore.

Jack's song. d2; [playing in the cafe where I'm sitting]

YOu're in DC, you look over you're like who's that guy in a hat??? ddid
no h

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Anon The Thing

I don't even enjoy the self-pity because loneliness is too great, the enemy too large to be self-aware, to be knowledgeable of its crimes, to have sense. Its just a thing, no feelings, no heart, no lungs, no breath. YOu can't reason with it or even hate it.

So, I don't hate it. IT would be like hating the economy's downward turn or hating hunger. d.

YOu can still do. But don't hate a thing unable to understand the concept of responsibility.

INdividuals do that. Even then, they refuse.

Because they have the anon.
"His war really isn’t against me. I’m just the collateral damage in his fight against a much less forgiving foe: time, or, maybe more specifically, aging."

--DRiving Concerns: The Sequel

We fight against what we can see.

I know how Dad feels.

Divorcing Jack

"Dad’s been married three times, and the last partnership endured for 38 years. But none of these pairings were really happy, at least not for terribly long, because Dad was, essentially, a bigamist. Sure, at different times he loved his wives, but his one true passion was the road."

--Party to a Divorce

I am happiest chasing Jack.

If only the US government would supply me with Jack's, cars and gasoline, I would be forever happy and never complain about hacked computers, illegal search and seizures. I would be out there, on the road, chasing down the mysterious man in front, the man behind me, traveling, living the reckless fantasy.

The Future a

"You see, one of the hardest things for me to deal with emotionally in this whole process is the fear that, in my father, I’m looking my future in the face."

--Life With Father

I have those thoughts about MOm. h.

"And I find the possibility that he could just be me, aged Hollywood-style, simply terrifying. It makes me want to run, get away to that place of simple, oblivious living that is such a luxury to those who aren’t looking mortality in the face every day."

Every night when I watch her fall asleep. I pray to God/god that I don't end up a goddamn opiate addict in pain. That's my prayer. Or faking one. d

Too Late

E.R. with Grandma, and I was there in the chair next to her as she was asleep, and saw one of the other patients wheeling by.

Saw real illness. Real death close.

I TXT-messaged "RAndy" something to that effect. a.

He did not understand my crisis-fueled compassion. Barked at me through the phone. YOu could hear it even though I'm imagining. He was awake, I knew. OR another hacker. THey operate 24/7.

They have no sense of death--senseless to their own grave.

I mean that not in viciousness, but only out of the mortality we all face.

Is it war? Is it TV? Is it power? NO one asks these questions. We don't bother because we only have the time when it's too late.
They are pulling you down with them because they saw the innovative mind they lost.

And that's just fucking bullshit to them.

They have all the drugs you may want.

They found mine.

I'm Jack's DNE

There is supposed to be this person you trust completely in life.

And then you marry this person, and have babies. d

And if he reads your files on your computer, there was no breach because he knew and if he notices you drooling on the pillow in the middle of the night, he doesn't care. d

This person doesn't exist.

He doesn't find your jokes funny, and he doesn't understand why you shop at Wal-Mart but drink Grey Goose.

The only thing he gets is sex.

All the power in the world right here in cyber technology and he still doesn't exist.

Jack only ever made one good point. That was: I can have awesome sex with anyone, why would I bother with you?

WEll, we alraedy had sex. d But let's say we didnt'. YOu're right. ad

You find another guy, more amazing sex. Maybe this one won't steal your privacy. Maybe he won't crawl into your files. Maybe he will respect your mind. NOt just your body.

The gang bought a really bad deal. Power for no freedom.

They're all in prison. They didn't preach that shit ever, did they? NO.

YOu don't get to the top, and get it all back. NO. d

NO mind is ever unleashed. They are all trapped in hell. d.
I am Jack's salvation.

Because everyday I remind him why a people love. d
I am Jack's thing-when-bored.
I was standing on the sidewalk with the police officers, one of which was Fred Mickel, and I looked over towards the street, and thought, is that Morpheus driving by? d

nO. d
I am Jack's clean-up-aisle-nine.

"Troubled" Would Not Be My Word

During several months at the hospital, Mr. Clergeau reportedly assaulted nine staff members, sending a few out on medical leave, a person familiar with his stay there said. “You could feel the rage radiating off him,” another person said.

Both people spoke on the condition of anonymity because they feared repercussions for exposing what had happened.


Only then did the program staff learn, through a fax sent anonymously, that Mr. Clergeau had a record of violence, with eight outstanding warrants at that time.

The hospital’s human rights officer filed an internal complaint on behalf of Mr. Allard, which set off a departmental investigation that dragged on without resolution. But Mr. Clergeau was not prosecuted for anything that happened at the hospital. That was partly because the state Department of Mental Health discourages the criminalization of its adolescent patients; staff members did not press assault charges.


The NY Times and Troubled Teenager's Path...

“He said, ‘If I’m getting in trouble for nothing, I might as well do something,’ ” Mr. Casaubon, a staff member at the school, said. Then Mr. Clergeau started hurling wooden chairs at his teacher.

--Troubled Teenager's Path to..

Antisocial's line of logic.


"In some attacks, the culprits are believed to be professional hackers engaged in disrupting an organization’s operations for the sheer pleasure of it, or seeking revenge."

--Security Firm Identifies Global

Did I mention this morning that I HATE FU

Don't laugh. Serious. dddi

I haven't gone to the point of hating fucking h yet. add

Shut up! dda

What I was going to say: I hate hacking for personal reasons. Yes1 l

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Advisor said that if two people shared in a trauma together, they were closer for it. He lied. OR rather, he was wrong. k

I learned there's still no one in the front seat with me.
The only things I can say to the pentagon are....

--Anonymous comment from "Trollsville." (which must be "code" for something. NO. ,d)

I've always wondered why they talk like that.

[She's easily amused by us. d]

Social Networking and Cyberwarfare

The Pentagon is developing plans to use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter as both a resource and a weapon in future conflicts. Its research and development agency is offering $42 million in funding to anyone who can help.

Social media will change the nature of warfare just as surely as the telegraph, the radio and the telephone did, and the Pentagon is fearful of being caught short. Some of its goals were laid out in a document being circulated among potential researchers and is to be presented at a briefing on Tuesday in Arlington, Va., at the offices of the military contractor System Planning Corporation.

--Pentagon Seeks A Few Good Social Networkers


While conservatives are (as Ronald Reagan put it) terrified at the words, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you,” liberals are terrified at the words, “I’m from [for example] the cable company and I’m here to help you.”

--The New York Times: You Crazy?

Because the guy from the cable company is actually working for the government undercover, and he's there to spy on the house. d

And the liberal knows it. d

Goddamn liberals. d

ON a much more serious note: Excellent article.


"Any argument requires premises that it assumes and does not prove. We may construct a further argument for an unproven premise, but that argument will itself have unproven premises. That’s why even mathematics, the most thoroughly rational enterprise we have, begins with unproven axioms."

--Are Your Political Opponents..

It just sucks when you're wrong anyway, and then your opponent calls you delusional.

Nevermind. d
"You know what they say: Never negotiate with terrorists. It only encourages them."

--Tea Party's War on America by Joe Nocera

I think he means trolls.

The Fight

“When was the last time anybody said anything about Libya?” said Representative Phil Gingrey, a Republican from Georgia who was elected in 2002. “This is the way it is going to be until the election.”

--Debit Bill Signed, Ending Fractious..
Whenever things would get really out of control on the phones,

I would switch gears, and say, "I'm going to start talking about [Morpheus's] balls." d

"Do you want me to hang up?" d

HOney. d
Pain should be private. Not in this world.

In this world, they want even that for theirs.
You can do bad, bad things.

And then, one day, you can wake up and you can make a decision to do good.

YOu can still do the right thing.
NO ad
I am Jack's series of lies. ad
I am Jack's failure in respect.
nO dd

I only got one response in that.
Becaue you guys suck'nO d
It was going to go one or two ways, and it didn't go the other way.

It went this way.
ON the surface, our relationship hasn't change.

"I'm losing EVERYTHING FOR YOU!" He says.

But secretly, and not-s0-secretly, he wants me to leave. Not return his calls. Not respond.

In this way, the war ends. For us.

Why I know this? Because he could have opened the truck door, and stopped me.

"Hey, Lace..."

But he didn't. He sat there. d.

You can program a man, but not a heart.

A heart would have chased me down the street.
I wanted him to be in on the joke. LIke it's sharing, see, honey?

BABy! d I loooves you. TTOO! Don't put this shit in my box while I"m pretending to be at work.

K's! d

Why don't you harass [The General] more?

He scares me. dd

Instead, I got schoolteacher Morpheus: "I DO NOT KNOW THESE PEOPLE." D

Cries. d
Everyone needs to be genuinely pissed off about something. dd

Forget the hacking, the stalking, the manipulative bullshit. I'm only pissed off that he didn't look at my series of TXT-messages in his box, and say, "That's kind of fucking funny!" And then laugh a little.

"[The General] has two wives?"

He can afford them. Okay. Moving on. d

INstead, he played school teacher. "Lacey, you are out of line. Back in line!!! Lacey!!!! What ARE YOU DOING??"

Cries. d
"There's blood on this counter...from what?" My grandmother said this morning while making coffee.

She worries about the strangest things.

No one was slaughtering animals. NO one was making a human sacrifice, which is probably illegal somewheres in something!

NO worries!
WE tried, but didn't really try because we could have tried harder.

Because there was no "WE."

[In life.]

They lie. IN LOVE.

There's no "us."
The love of my life, and he's going to turn into a few phone calls a year.

One of my former friends told me a long time ago that this was better--four years--instead of wasting ten, and he was still doing it with one of his ex-lovers.

Still in my consciousness, do the phone calls matter?

You expending energy on a ghost, a man never there.

A relationship never was.

An idea never put into reality.

A model never made into stone.

This is our story, the heartbreak story, the love story. The full story. You always.

Monday, August 1, 2011

"I think we can handle one little girl."

--The Matrix (1999)

I have dedicated myself to a new life of solitude until after I can get this mess cleaned up. d

This is after my proposal was callously thrown away by Morpheus.

I will not communicate with anyone who I do not know in person unless he or she comes from a reliable source (i.e. a major blog and/or newspaper). I will not deal with anon's period until I have the hacking gone.

I told the anon "Rod" to go with me to the DA. d. The He/She/It said,

"I'm not playing your paranoia game girlie..."
This is the part of the TV show where you're negotiating with the bad guys, and your bad guys are behind you, the good-bad guys, and you turn around.

And there's no one there. d


Saying what?

What am I doing?

I don't even know.

What am I up against?

I can't even see.

I got some basic, some outline of advice.

Go there. Ask this person. Maybe this. Maybe that. d.

I never went to law school.

I look over these Federal wiretapping cases, "Huh. I think they're talking in circles. Right? That's a round logic. Thingy. d." Dismissed. d

Why can't they just get a dissolution of marriage??


Here. File. Final Judgment. Yay!
I am Jack's chained self-loathing.

I Am Jack's Hack

“Warfare is ultimately not a denial of the human capacity for social cooperation, but merely the most destructive expression of it,” the anthropologist Lawrence H. Keeley writes in his book “War Before Civilization” (Oxford, 1996).

--the Sign of An Advancing Society...

Compared with other species, humans are highly cooperative and altruistic, at least toward members of their own group.
These hacker groups tout that they are political. They're criminal.

They have no cause for freedom. They're not fighting for anyone's rights.
No one wants to do the right thing, from the cops to the sheriffs to the FBI.

The right thing.

except if you call the Fire Department.

They're awesome.

And the only EMT I've met who was bad was one in a bar (and he didn't work in this area).

Plus, just went through a divorce. Eeek!