
Parts of this blog have been fictionalized. 9. As it was created through the halls of the mind in the grasp of psychosis.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Problem Solver: The HOward

"I don't think the FBI is going to be your great problem solver," says one of the "Grandma's" .

Don't you care about yourself? Don't you care? nO.

NO> I say. I go downtown.

It's a trick questoin.

"Grandma" was making the argument that by going to the FBI was in partially incriminating myself because I am "mentally ill.'

Scare tactic.

I like it. Good.

Don't you care? About you? You're the last person left. You.

I love you. You want love, dont 'you? YOu want love. I love you.

"You must have really pissed smoeone off." "Grandma." said.

NO. I didn't. You'd have to find multiple people pissed off. Then you'd have a conspiracy. You have that?

NO. You don't.

You just ahve a faceless program. And some guy with a button. D. A. Occasionally J. And then some smartass who puts my mail in "All Mail."

Yes, STeve says. Sorry . Boss told me to do it. That guy over hthere. Don't look. You picked the tragic tale. Not us.


You found the abuse. We think iti's normal. We think it's okay. It's our jobs.

It's your job.

You're talking to MOprheus right now.

It's your job. I was your job.


I loved you anyway, he wrote once on a bathroom mirror. And then erased it.


I find DExter and HOward. I write a box. d

You only hate the situation I"m in .

Yes. TAlking to your ghost program.


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