My life was bad enough with the shit I did to myself. WE won't talk about that because I already did in previous blogs. YOu can reaad about it if you want, I will email you the files.
My mother has the philosophy, "It is." LIfe is just fucked up. Deal. d. She makes no effort to make it better for anyone else. There's no favoritism there. No need to be jealous over someone else. Tis the truth.
When this happened, some magical force, sweeping in like the Black Plague over Europe. d.
I wasn't buying the "It is life" bullshit.
Just dealing with it, Lacey.
Nothing you can do about it, Lacey. d.
YOu don't hack Cornell. d. It's academic. YOu leave Bank of America alone. That's criminal. d.
This is basic in life. d. YOu don't break into cars and then not steal stuff. That's petty. WE are grown ups. Here. Right?
My argument to the FBI On Duty Agent was, if you don't care about this, maybe it's connected to another case. These people do it here, they will there and there too. What's to stop them? IF you don't. NO one.
"Havey ou seen this before?" Showing him a file on my computer of me talking to the hackers.
"NO. " He said. "It looks like jibberish." d
It's not, it's just another language. That's like saying Spanish is jibberish. OR twins talking to each other is jibberish. He knows. I know. WE know.
If you want to live at home with no internet or phone for the rest of your life, then you can. But if you want the internet to work ever again, you have to fight back with the law.
Anti-Sec Movement took away my Constitutional Rights. Criminal behavior took away my Constitutional Rights. YOu want to do something for your government, be active inside your government.
I'm tired of people telling me you can live without the internet. YOu can't. That's fucking bullshit and stupid. YOu'd die the first time you went into a hospital, if not before then.
The FBI should do their job, as indicated by the law. d. People should not empower themselves outside of the law, this is where the trouble starts.
Hacking is illegal. Harassment is always illegal, whereas you can't say that about hacking. d.
I'm always tired of people telling me that I should be okay with living a really shitty life. Like. They live it. YOu should live it for a day. The harassment. The phone calls. OR never being able to make even one to 411. Or sending an email. OR going out to town without looking over your shoulder constantly. YOu do it, tell me it's okay, and then I"ll believe you. WE won't do anything about it, sweetheart. Okay? I won't listen to you cry. YOU cheer up. YOu be brave. YOu brave girl. You lose all of your friends, the respect and care for your family over this, and you a. YOu do it. And come back to me, and say, eh. NO biggie. You're right. "I just don't know what to say...I just don't want you to be disappointed..." Tell me that. And I will believey ou. OR worse, fuckin' be condescending to me. So more. d.
I never want to reach the place where I accept this was okay. Never. This is not okay.
You reach a place where you accept pain, physical pain that you cannot control was okay. YOu breathe through it, you reach a higher state of consciousness, and you walk until it ends.
This is different. People who allow this to be okay as just as guilty as the people who do it. WE started out better. A lot of people died for better. d.
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