I read in Psychiatric INterviewing: The ARt of Understanding that there's a thin line between creativity and psychosis. Even in mania, a patient's ability to make word associations increases (that's without psychotic symptoms). Jamison noticed this. It was part of the bipolar "gift."
Earlier in the year, Grammar Check in Mac Word (you have to realize I know nothing about Word, I'm borderline computer illiterate), told me I was involved with someone in DHS and, harder to believe, the NSA. What's even stranger--I know--like that isn't strange--the hacking just got worse from that point. With a little bit of research, I found out DHS and NSA work together on some level and in various ways (and I'm not an expert in that either despite five or six months). Obviously Word was hacked. I turned Grammar Check off. To be safe for my own sanity.
I'm not involved with anyone. Much less DHS or NSA. But I got all of these ideas out of Grammar Check. Hence, why it's capitalized.
After months, I turned Grammar Check back on. BEcause the hacking didn't stop, and they seemed to like having Grammar Check on. If I was to return to being normal again, normal people have grammar check. They ignore it when it's wrong, and they pay attention to it sometimes. They don't think it's coming from a government conspiracy. It's just grammar check.
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