
Parts of this blog have been fictionalized. 9. As it was created through the halls of the mind in the grasp of psychosis.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

No Mood Lift

"Nothing yet has really sunk in."

--Peter Gabriel, "I Grieve"

I have socially isolated myself. I only have one friend in the area, and he and I are not getting along too well at the moment.

Some of this has to do with the fact that my car is not in working order. Other explanations are I've never had a lot of friends even from the time I was growing up. I usually gain friends when I'm manic, but I haven't had a mood lift in years thanks to the lithium and the Topamax.

So much of my time is absorbed in mourning Morpheus. I hardly feel like I have the energy for other people, either sex. 

My psychiatrist wants me to change this, and gain a circle of friends--but I can't see this. For one thing, you can't just join a group of friends like you join a yoga class--it takes time, months or years. For another, I usually don't get along with a harem of women.


  1. I think gain a circle of friends is a tall order right now, but to seek out one person to spend some time with might work. At first it may feel like an intrusion on your ritual(& a huge pain in the ass)but after a while you may cherish a bit of interaction...but I think you always have to go thru the not great part of seeking & talking &....all the social bs.
    <projecting. ~Mary

  2. "My psychiatrist wants me to change this, and gain a circle of friends--but I can't see this. For one thing, you can't just join a group of friends like you join a yoga class--it takes time, months or years. For another, I usually don't get along with a harem of women."

    I very much relate to this entire paragraph.
